In addition to wheat, spelt, rye, barley and oats we have started special chain projects with a number of specific grain species. The goal of these projects is to ensure complete traceability of all raw materials, and to guarantee a fair price for both materials and labour. That is how we are able to mill special products using:

Le Petit Epeautre, also known as einkorn wheat.

KAMUT® khorasan wheat.KAMUT® khorasan


Teff whaet. Ecosem Teff grain

In the Commandeursmolen flour is available in bulk, “big bags” and bags. We use different colour bags, so our clients can easily discern the different products they receive.


Whole-wheat = red

Half white flour = green

Patent flour = yellow


Flour and patent flour = purple


Flour and patent flour = blue

Mixed grain flour = brown

Other (kamut, barley, oats) = green

Bran (woven feed bag) = green

Except for its organic products, the Commandeursmolen also wants to distinguish itself where conventional flour is concerned. Bread made from this traditionally milled flour, patent flour or mixed grain flour is also easily recognized: dense, with a distinctive colour, bite and flavour. As with organic flour, it’s the skill, the controlled milling process on milling stones and an expert selection of grains that make the difference.

The Commandeursmolen offers a wide choice of flour products. But it is still possible we do not carry the specific kind you require. No problem! In fact, we think that’s great, because the Commandeursmolen also specialises in producing specialties, tailor-made to fit your requirements. To go one better, we consider it one of the greatest challenges of our profession to realize new possibilities together with our clients. We would be happy to help you in developing any flour or other products you may require. Our tailor-made products are available in quantities from 500 kilo to full trucks.